New Job? Here’s How to Make a Good first impression

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Your first day at a new workplace can be a little overwhelming. New faces, new routines, and most especially, new bosses. Proving yourself all over again might be tough. But there’s nothing like a fresh start to jumpstart your career. Here’s how you can make a good first impression on your first day!

Be Diligent, Be Consistent

Focus is important if want to make a name for yourself in an industry. A lot of people start off great, but crumbles down because of lack consistency and diligence. On the first days of your job, it is expected that you come to work early, and complete your tasks within a reasonable time frame. For a lot of companies, output is what matters, so make sure you set realistic goals for the day. 

Get to Know the Organization

Once you’re part of a company’s payroll, you’re an integral part of that organization. It’s important to know where you stand, what your roles are, and how you can help others in the workplace. Start with familiarizing yourself with the company’s organizational chart. Pay attention to what your co-workers’ roles are, and interact with them accordingly. Lastly, get yourself a copy of the company handbook, so you know what your rights and responsibilities are. 

Know What is Expected of You 

On your first few days, you should be given a rundown of your job description and tasks. Every company is different, so sometimes, you’ll have to unlearn what you learned in your previous job. It’s important to study your job description well, and to get a good grasp of your tasks. This is a crucial part of the learning curve. You need to understand what is expected of you. Asking questions is also a must. The more questions you ask, the faster you learn. Just make sure you take the answers to heart, to avoid repetition. Committing errors during this curve is perfectly normal, however, you need to know how to efficiently communicate so you don’t waste your time, and your co-workers’.

Provide Value

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your workplace, it’s time to gauge how much you can contribute to the company. Understanding the company’s Vision and Mission is a great way to start. Be a problem solver, show initiative, and always have a hunger for learning. Proactively educating yourself about how you can do your job better is a great way to give value. For example, if you work in a call center, find ways to improve your diction, or read books to widen your vocabulary. Strive to always outdo yourself. Once you’ve become an indispensable part of the company, you’re on your way to building a great career. Know your value, and any good company will reward you. 

Learning is a lifelong process. It’s either you are doing things right, or you’re learning through your mistakes. Being a newbie is a challenge, but remember you have people to back you up. Your co-workers’ impression of you will often be based on how you communicate and deliver. Become an example and hustle your way to becoming a company rockstar!

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